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Hello! welcome to my web!!

My name is Teresa. 

I was born in Avila, a small town in central Spain.
My entire adolescence was spent in my small town, Solosancho, surrounded by small houses, mountains and nature.
Thanks to my family and artistic environment around me, I started to develop my little creativity.
However, as I grew older, this creativity was lost. At school, teachers did not encourage the creative talents of children, and therefore, I think I started as a freak and I decided to stop creativity.
Over time, I began to realize this, so I decided to study to be a teacher and try to change what the teachers did and that society did not encourage.
In college, it was the same, only academics were based on theory and not put an emphasis on fostering creativity. Everything was based on a schematic structure based on social patterns. I never liked teaching, so I decided to forget about it.


I want this to be seen by everyone, and that people who have had the same frustration that I, being aware of it and therefore begins to create. I want people to release that creativity within. That creativity that society has not stopped flowing.

For now, I'm taking and conducted some workshops with disabled and blind.
My next project would be to conduct workshops, not as a teacher, but as a guide, for people to awaken their creativity and release frustrations.
It is true, that I'm starting and I'm still learning from everything around me.
I believe that little by little, we can all get what we want!


After traveling and meeting really wonderful people, I began to focus on what I really liked, art. I started to forget that there is education in this society and I decided to create.
At the moment, I do not think any great artist, but I try to encourage my creativity slowly, show what I do and enjoy it


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